Shardeum Documentation

Cyclic Operations

1. Overview

Cyclic operations are a crucial component of the Shardeum blockchain network, enabling efficient and synchronized updates across all nodes. This model ensures that all nodes maintain a consistent view of the network state and can agree upon changes in a structured manner. The cycle-based operational model divides time into regular intervals called cycles, each consisting of four phases, or quarters. These phases help manage updates, synchronization, and validation processes systematically.

2. Node List and Cycle Chain

In Shardeum, maintaining an up-to-date and consistent node list is fundamental. Each node keeps a list of every other node, known as the node list, and a history of changes made to this list, referred to as the cycle chain. Nodes suggest changes to the node list through signed messages called cycle transactions. These changes are collected and processed within the cycles.

However, nodes only keep a limited history of cycle records at the validator level. When a node syncs with the network, it first receives a snapshot of each list. Following this, it uses the cycle process to update the list. Nodes do not maintain a full history because the sync-to-snapshot process suffices.

3. Cycle Creator Process Summary

The cycleCreator() function is essential for managing the cyclic operations within Shardeum. Here's a concise explanation of the process:

  1. Initialization: The function begins by initializing the current quarter and logging the current state.
  2. Fetching Previous Record: It attempts to retrieve the previous cycle record. If unsuccessful, it retries until the record is fetched.
  3. Applying Previous Changes: The function applies changes from the previous cycle record to the node list.
  4. Saving to Database: It creates a cycle marker and certificate, saves the data to the database, and emits an event indicating new cycle data.
  5. Logging and Pruning: The function logs the current cycle and node list state, then prunes the cycle chain to maintain an optimal size.
  6. Data Distribution: It sends the latest cycle data to any subscribed archivers.
  7. Updating Cycle and Quarter: The function updates the current cycle and quarter based on the previous record.
  8. Scheduling: It schedules the execution of each quarter and the next cycle using calculated times, ensuring all nodes are synchronized.
  9. Final Logging: The function concludes by logging the end of the cycle creation process.

This process ensures the network remains consistent and synchronized, handling transitions between cycles efficiently.

4. Phases of the Cycle

Quarter 1: Update Phase Start

Detailed Operation:

  • Nodes use the runQ1() and runQ2() functions to gather the proposed changes, ensuring they have a comprehensive view of the network's current state.
  • Lost Node Reporting: It tells the checker nodes to check on some nodes that were unresponsive. * Scheduled Removals: It handles and processes scheduled node removals, ensuring nodes are removed as necessary and deletes them from the tracking list.
    • Gossiping Status Updates: It gossips information about nodes that have been verified as down to other nodes in the network, and manages self-refutation messages to update the network about nodes that are back online.
    • sendRequests() from p2p/Join/index.ts is invoked:
      • This function processes queued syncing and standby refresh requests by signing and validating them, and then gossiping the relevant messages to the network.
    • Config queue changes and debug logic updates are being handled in a listener inside the shardus.ts start() function.
    • Changes in network coverage are calculated and summaries of previous cycles are processed are being executed by listener in state-manager.ts startShardCalculations().

Quarter 2: Update Phase End

Detailed Operation:

  • The runQ2() function marks the end of this collection period, consolidating the updates for synchronization.
  • Node selection is triggered by executeNodeSelection().
  • Quarter 3: Cycle Sync Start

Detailed Operation:

  • During runQ3(), nodes compare their collected updates by exchanging hashes (cycle_tx_hash). This step ensures all nodes have a consistent view of the updates.
  • Nodes validate these updates by checking the cycle_tx_hash and creating a cycle certificate based on the highest value votes from other nodes. This certificate ensures that only valid updates are applied.
  • Nodes gossip their certificates to ensure the network agrees on the cycle's contents.
  • Cycle data is being cleaned up on every 5 cycles.
  • Quarter 4: Cycle Finalization

Detailed Operation:

  • The runQ4() function involves comparing cycle certificates with other nodes until the best one is identified.


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