Shardeum Documentation


Benefits of operating a Shardeum validator

Earn SHM for securing the network. Contribute to the security, scalability and decentralization of Shardeum.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • 250 GB SSD storage
  • Quad core CPU less than 10 years old if self hosting
  • Dual core CPU works if hosted with newer Xeons / EPYC
  • 16 GB of ram, 4+ GB of virtual memory recommended
  • Hosting: 8 GB RAM + 8 GB Virtual Memory

Access the terminal interface for Shell CLI commands:

(Press at the same time)
Ctrl + Alt + T

Install package managers

We will use curl in this tutorial to download files:

sudo apt-get install curl

Update package managers

sudo apt update

Install docker and

sudo apt install

Check that docker is working with (should return version 20.10.12 or higher):

docker --version

Install docker-compose

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Setup permissions for docker-compose:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Check that docker-compose is working with (should return version 1.29.2 or higher):

docker-compose --version

Download and Install Validator

Run the following command:

curl -O && chmod +x && ./

The terminal will ask questions about your setup settings.

Give permission to collect validator data for bug reporting:

By running this installer, you agree to allow the Shardeum team to collect this data. (y/n)?:

Enter y to setup the web based dashboard:

Do you want to run the web based Dashboard? (y/n):

Set a password for dashboard access:

Set the password to access the Dashboard:

Add a custom session port for the web based dashboard or hit enter for port 8080:

Enter the port (1025-65536) to access the web based Dashboard (default 8080):

Add a custom external IP address or use an automatically detected IP address:

If you wish to set an explicit external IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=auto):

Add a custom internal IP address or use an automatically detected IP address:

If you wish to set an explicit internal IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=auto):

Set the first p2p port (default 9001):

To run a validator on the Sphinx Atomium network, you will need to open two ports in your firewall.
This allows p2p communication between nodes.
Enter the first port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default 9001):

Set the second p2p port (default 10001):

Enter the second port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default 10001):

Add a custom path or install to root:

What base directory should the node use (defaults to ~/.shardeum):

Wait for the installation process to complete.

Open validator GUI

Go to your web browser and go to:


You might see a warning page when trying to access this address in your web browser. Ignore this warning and continue to the validator dashboard. Another way to work around this warning:

Enter the password you set during the installation process.


You should now see the “Overview” page for the Shardeum Validator Dashboard in your web browser:


Start validator

Click the “Start Node” button in the top right white box:

if that does not work, you can also try running the following command on cli:

operator-cli start

Set password for logging into the GUI

operator-cli gui set password 123456 #log into the GUI with 123456 as your password

Monitor validator

Go to “Performance” to see your node’s hardware performance here:


For more details about your node status run the following inside the CLI:

operator-cli status

Connect Wallet to Shardeum Testnet

Connect to Shardeum Validator with your wallet by configuring the network with the network details here.

Get SHM from ITN Faucet

Claim testnet tokens from Shardeum Discord SHM Faucet.

Stake SHM to validator


After you start the validator, you will be asked to connect your wallet:


After you connect your wallet, click on the "Add Stake" button, you will see the following:


-Stake Wallet Address [wallet connected]
-Nominee Public Key [filled in automatically while validator is running]
-Stake amount (SHM) [empty and is in units ether not wei]

This example has filled in 10 SHM tokens to stake.

Stake the specified minimum amount to start earning rewards.(For testnet, its 10 SHM)

Once all fields are filled, click the “Stake” button.

Your wallet will ask you to sign the transaction stake your SHM.

Once the transaction is signed and complete, you have staked your SHM tokens successfully.

If your node status is on Standby and you have 10 SHM or more staked, your validator node is setup correctly.

The network will automatically add your validator to be active in the network.

The time to be added as an active validator will vary based on network load and validators in the network.


You can also stake and unstake from the Validator CLI if you are not able to access a web browser for the Validator GUI.

Open validator CLI:

Make sure you are in the root directory by running:

cd .shardeum

Start the CLI by running the following shell script:


First, set your private key in your Validator CLI:

Be very careful with your private keys. We recommend you use a private key which has testnet tokens only to be safe.

Please note, this is not the recommended method for staking with the Shardeum validator. Mishandling of private key may result in loss of assets. Shardeum discards private key after the transaction is signed. Take precaution when extracting your private key.

export PRIV_KEY=<private_key>

Make sure your private key is stored in your Validator CLI by running:

echo $PRIV_KEY

Add stake with:

operator-cli stake 10

Check your stake amount with:

operator-cli stake_info <wallet_address>

Remove stake with:

operator-cli unstake



It is necessary to keep your validator updated by checking the minimum version required and your current version periodically.


curl localhost:9001/nodeinfo


  • Stop your validator before updating (you don't need to unstake though)
  • In your terminal, first exit from the container using
cd ..
  • Run the following curl script
curl -O && chmod +x && ./

You might manually have to start the GUI afterwards with:

operator-cli gui start
  • Check your currect version from either CLI or GUI and make sure it is the latest version.




operator-cli version



operator-cli update


To see all CLI commands, run:

operator-cli help

Uninstall Validator

Useful if your validator is outdated and you want to clean your last installation.

You can delete the validator folder while in your root directory with:

rm -rf .shardeum